I seem to have a problem. Can I say it's spiritual or social or physical or manipulated Hmmm cant tell
Its keeps happening maybe you have an answer so lemme proceed.
Why do the wrong guys pick up my number after social gatherings?
Better still why do the people I like, sit back, while those I have not yet spotted or cannot like based on a few things, walk up to start conversations with me. Arg!
Like this recent past inter hall quiz competition on campus. Being an organizer I moved around a lot and due to a few errors in planning, there was a lot to do at the time of the program.
Crush, I noticed you and a friend conversely lightly while observing my tos and fros.
You looked really fine and was super glad when you asked me for water. This is because thereafter we engaged in a little chit chat. Brief but fun.
Spoiler alert! I forgot to take your contact. Shoot!
Funny enough the guy you walked with that day called me later in the evening. With me wondering again Why do the wrong guys always pick up the contact?

 Yours in need of answers,

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