Dear Crush,
Nothing gets me hyper than the idea that someone likes me. The excitement is even better if the person per my own lenses is fine. Perhaps I was even admiring and presuming things in my mind. Haha.
There are times along a path you seem to edging towards a fine boy walking in the opposite direction. You look away and pretend not to have seen the person but occasionally you steal a glances then bam! You catch the person also looking at you. Herh the way that can elevate my mood. I tell you, you have no idea.
Sadly thats not the case with you. You never seem to notice me anytime I see you or even when we happen to be in the same space. But the impressions others give me reassure me that im worth your admiration so dear wossop.
Erh till when.

Yours in need of your Attention,

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